Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Bump In The Hump Sneak Peek: BLANSH - Check This

The eyes of the electronic music world are on Miami as the annual pilgrimage has begun. Labels have been releasing their showcase compilations for at least a month in anticipation of the countless events and hours upon hours of music being shared on the shores of Atlantic. One such compilation, the first from Botnek's brand new World Famous Headquarters, features friend of the show BLANSH and his trademark heavy house sound. "Check This" is just one of nine tracks on the compilation which can be downloaded free/streamed here. Grab it now and enjoy it on Bump In The Hump tonight.
Following last week's trend towards warmer weather and brighter beats we'll once again welcome a slew of spring and summer type tunes, while still returning to bass heavy bangers in the Fire Finale. There's tracks from Dabin, Hudson Lee and The Funk Hunters albums, a handful of artist debuts, a take on Skrillex's classic "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" and so much more. Listen live from 7-9 PM EDT via Radio Humber and find the episode cataloged after the fact on Mixcloud here.