Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Bump In The Hump Sneak Peek: 2¢ - Rebel (MSTRKRFT Remix)

An wild roller coaster ride, this week's episode of Bump In The Hump has more barrel rolls, drops and loop-the-loops than Canada's Wonderland and West Edmonton Mall combined. An up and down affair, we move back and forth between countless genres while focusing on techno, house and disco/funk. A killer climb in the techno section comes from MSTRKRFT who, like fellow Torontonian thook, remix the dynamic duo of Craze and Four Color Zack, . Turning "Rebel" into a chugging acid affair, MSTRKRFT's remix is sure to send your hands into the air as its twists, turns and drops cause your stomach to lurch into your throat. This visceral vision caps a brutally banging run of techno on tonight's episode which concludes with a clip of my conversation with Calgary's The Accountant, this week's guest on My Mixtape. Listen live from 7-9 PM EDT via Radio Humber or after the fact here