Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Noisia - Decloak

The legendary trio that is Noisia is set to disband at the end of this year, but that doesn't mean they're about to quietly into the night. While Patreons got an early look, today marks the first public taste of a new five track release for the mobile game Armajet. In the middle of the EP, "Decloak" showcases both the immense power and inimitable presence of Noisia through its hostile, hair-raising soundscape.

While I've never played Armajet, I imagine it to be a fast-paced, shoot 'em up style game that takes place in a vast, dark future void. At least that's how Noisia paints the picture. As always the trio succeed in crafting cavernous bass kicks, propulsive snares, roaring drops, and brilliant brooding bass riffs, all amidst a spine-tingling atmosphere. Expect the rest of the rest of the soundtrack to be of the same killer quality, and watch out for its full release Friday. Until then stream below and check out Armajet now.