Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bump In The Hump Sneak Peek: John Roman - Postlude

One week ago today, literally minutes before Bump In The Hump went live, one of my all-time favourite artists, and one I thought I'd never hear from again, released a massive 18 minute track. John Roman broke his nearly six year silence with "Postlude," seemingly an 8-track medley. Having not lost a step, Roman remains as cutting edge as ever offering up the same sensational techno that made his Petrified and Sala EPs so successful. Obviously epic, being that "Postlude" is presented as a singular track, there's an undeniable cinematic quality, one that re-immerses listeners in Roman's particular idiom. Apt in its end-of-days energy, "Postlude" will be presented in its entirety on tonight's episode of Bump In The Hump, immediately ahead of a clip of my conversation with ASHE, this week's guest on My Mixtape. Get John Roman's long awaited return free below and cross your fingers for more!FOLLOW JOHN ROMAN: FACEBOOK SOUNDCLOUD TWITTER