Monday, March 16, 2020

wev - poly

Brooklyn based producer wev has shared the first taste of his forthcoming debut album. poly is said to reflect "the many people, places, and things that have influenced [wev] over the past 3 years." The title track itself is a beautiful, elegant illumination. It sparkles with an effervescent top line that would seem to take the lead, much like that of a Four Tet production. However this wholly (and holy if you like) weightless lead is short lived as wev welcomes in a blast of bass and a driving groove around the minute twenty mark. Moving "poly" to a more grounded place, this percussion focused section offers a lot of interplay and growth before reintroducing the ethereal ease we enjoyed earlier. The two play perfectly together, but this is not the end of wev's wonderfully woven groove as "poly" has only reached its midway mark. Eventually adding swirling synths, wev caps the track with a strong cinematic climax and close. A wonderful start to what promises to be an exceptional album, set to be released "soon."