Tuesday, August 21, 2018

warner case & Zak Downtown - good time

warner case continues to impress, crafting a sweet, bouncy, house, party track with fellow NYC native Zak Downtown. Although you might think "good time" was made in the middle of a bender, surrounded by party people, it arose while case chilled in his apartment, alone with his cats. Serendipity struck a couple days earlier when he bumped into his friend Downtown, later realizing his energy and flow were the perfect fit. As with most of warner case's productions, the vibe of "good time" is ever so lighthearted and joyful. It is pure pleasure, throw your cares aside and groove kind of music. No thinking about tomorrow or the day before, just live in the moment and have a "good time." As case says in his release "Often in music, we get so entrenched in deep symbolism that we forget to let loose and write something that feels good and makes us happy." Get happy and find the download/stream here.FOLLOW WARNER CASE: FACEBOOK SOUNDCLOUD TWITTER